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Crittall ‘Sustainability’ focussed Podcast Series – Edition 3 – Transcript to support learning


Steel Windows – Sustainability meets Style – Edition 3.  ‘How Steel Building Materials are Protected from Corrosion’

Crittall ‘Sustainability’ focussed Podcast Series – Edition 3 – Transcript to support learning

‘Nobody can doubt the strength of steel as a construction material, but its qualities in the field of sustainability are rather less obvious, but no less impressive’ says Russell Ager, Managing Director of Crittall Windows.

And in this special edition series of bite-sized learning podcasts sponsored by Crittall, we discuss The Strength of Steel, The Life Cycle Assessment of Steel, How to protect Steel Building Materials from corrosion and why Windows are one particular building component that emphasises the plusses of sustainability for the material.

In this third edition we discuss ‘How Steel Building Materials are Protected from Corrosion’

A key element in the use of steel as a building material is galvanizing providing protection against corrosion. In this process the steel is coated with zinc to prevent it from rusting. The cleaned steel is dipped into molten zinc at around 450 degrees C and a series of zinc-iron alloy layers are built up by a metallurgical reaction between the iron and zinc creating a strong bond between steel and the coating.

The galvanizing process is energy efficient taken as part of a whole life cycle which is the only meaningful way of calculating the impact on such a long-lasting material. It prolongs the life of an already long-life product, and it does not affect recyclability or re-use. Galvanized steel can be thrown into the scrap furnace and steel can easily be re-galvanized.

Thank you for listening to the third edition of this bite-sized learning podcast series. Make sure you listen to all 4 editions to fully understand how with Steel Windows – Sustainability meets Style!

In the next edition we discuss ”The sustainability plusses emphasised by Steel Windows’

For more information about Crittall steel windows, please go to www.crittall-windows.co.uk

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