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Megger testers are 17th Edition ready


The new 17th Edition of the wiring regulations is due to be implemented on the 1st June 2008. There are a significant number of changes, additions and deletions, both big and small.By ensuring the manufacturer states the instrument meets this standard and you cannot go far wrong. And of course Megger testers all meet the requirements of the 17th Edition.

The new 17th Edition of the wiring regulations is due to be implemented on the 1st June 2008. There are a significant number of changes, additions and deletions, both big and small.

To align the British and IEC numbering system sections 6 (Special installations or locations) and 7 (Inspection and testing) change places. The new section 7 will now include sections on: “Marinas and similar locations”, “Exhibitions, Shows and Stands”, “Solar Voltaic Power Supply Systems”, “Mobile and transportable units”, “Temporary electrical installations” and “Floor and ceiling heating systems”.

The good news for anyone doing “Testing and Inspection”, – there are no changes that prevent your current Megger testers being used.

A brief summary of current instrument requirements is detailed below:

Insulation testing

The most important change is to the insulation test limits for SELV, PELV and systems of <500 V

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