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New RCP 6B Radio Fire System a Wire-Free alternative to Conventional Panels from detectomat


No mythology behind Odyssey's successThe New Wire-Free, Radio Fire System from detectomat is a unique alternative to the costs, potential damage and business disruption associated with installing Fire Systems in existing buildings. And an ideal solution for retrofit and refurbishment applications in small to medium sized enterprises.

Interconnection of the various Fire System components including detectors, manual call points, sounders and control panels, which has traditionally been done in electrical cabling can now be done with wire-free radio. Installing cables in existing buildings has, in the past, meant ugly surface wiring or damage to decorations caused by the installation of concealed wiring. Installing concealed wiring is also time consuming and presents access issues and general disruption to ongoing business. This all meant an unwanted and unnecessary escalation of costs, which can now be avoided!.

Radio as a Fire System communication medium has been available for many years but at a high cost. Now, the unique RCP 6B system from detectomat offers a cost-effective wire-free, Radio Fire Alarm solution as an alternative to hardwired Conventional and smaller Addressable applications. And as an added benefit the system utilises detectomat’s unique range of Designer cover Smoke Alarms to complement traditional or modern contemporary interior designs.

The system comprises of a range of battery operated, self-contained fire detection and alarm devices including Heat and third party certified Smoke Alarms plus Manual Call Points, Sounder Beacons and other fire peripherials. These devices are radio connected with each other via a Fire Panel base station, which provides comprehensive alarm indication and control including monitoring of the system network integrity and battery conditions.

A unique solution within its application area, which has been reviewed and well received by a number of Fire Service and Fire industry professionals. For further information call 01579 321750, email detectomat@leighandersonassociates.com or visit www.detectomat.com .

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