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Wiring up Europe's green energy


The European Offshore Wind & Transmission Forum 2009

Whenever renewable low carbon energy is illustrated it is usually with a picture of a wind turbine. Increasingly that wind turbine is pictured in an offshore location.

But that offshore location can be in an inaccessible or stormy location, and also needs to be wired up to where the energy from the turbine is actually needed.

Next week in Brussels energy experts and their stakeholders and suppliers will gather to learn best practice in terms of connecting up Europe’s fast-growing offshore wind power industry. From North Sea supergrid integration to help overcome intermittence and balance the system, through to financing, supply chain issues, the technical, maritime and climatic challenges, this will be the forum to attend if your future is connected to offshore wind.

If you would like to find out more about this event – which EnergyBusinessNet will be attending and reporting on – contact Valerie.giblin@greenpowerconferences.com

PG 21.5.2009