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Yet More Praise For Mitsubishi Electric's Green Lead


Mitsubishi Electric’s bold and ambitious programme to lead the nation in reducing carbon emissions within our built environment has been recognised again with nationwide acclaim at the prestigious edie Awards for Environmental Excellence 2008, held in London on 13 November 2008.

The company’s Green Gateway Initiative® won the Best Green Corporate Initiatives Project 2008 with the judges praising the energy saving plan as “a great example of exactly what a green corporate initiative should be about, showing economic and environmental sustainability working hand in hand.”

The initiative calls for everyone in the built environment to fundamentally reassess the way we heat, cool, ventilate and control both residential and commercial properties. The 10-point plan includes technological developments and new thinking combined with simple behavioural changes.

All of the initiatives are focused on creating a significant impact on CO2 reduction in the UK’s buildings by reducing energy consumption and the energy bills of both consumers and businesses.

“We are delighted with this recognition as it shows that our plan has real merit beyond our own industry and awards such as this will publicise the initiative to a wider audience and help reduce carbon emissions even more,” commented Martin Fahey, Mitsubishi Electric’s Green Gateway Manager, who collected the award at the gala dinner.

Now in their second year, edie's Awards for Environmental Excellence evolved out of a long-running annual survey of consultants and their customers.

The awards were handed out at the special event held at the Natural History Museum and enable the organisers to recognise those who are pushing the envelope when it comes to making practical improvements to the environment and the way we do business received the recognition they deserved.

Organised by Edie (Environmental Data Interactive Exchange) the awards were handed out at the gala dinner held at the Natural History Museum. Edie.net is an online resource for environmental professionals, researchers and all those with an interest in green issues, bringing together practical information and in-depth yet accessible news.

“Quite simply, we as a nation must control and minimise the energy that we all use in our buildings if we are to combat CO2 emissions and tackle global warming,” explained Fahey. “We have embarked on this mission because we felt that we could use our position in the market to influence the way everyone thinks about how we heat and cool our buildings in the UK and we are delighted that the judges have recognised this with this award,” he added.

The Green Gateway Initiative, which was launched by the company at the House of Commons, has already secured the RAC Cooling Industry ‘Environmental Pioneer’ Award 2007, the EDIE ‘Carbon Reduction’ Award and been short listed in the Defra and Independent sponsored CEED Awards in the Education category. Further details on the 10-point initiative can be found on the dedicated website www.greengatewayinitiative.co.uk.

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